Whether you want to purchase a new laptop, deal with your credit card debts, pay for a family vacation and all this and more is possible through Personal Loans. a personal loan is an easiest way to meet all your short-term requirements.
A personal loan is an unsecured loan, in other words it does not require a security as collateral (such as a home loan or other secured loan type). Personal loans are therefore very flexible and can be used for a wide variety of purposes, especially when you simply do not have enough money available to cover immediate costs.
With a personal loan, your immediate cash needs are met. Of course it is essential to choose a loan which reflects what you can afford – are the interest rates affordable? Could you land in further debt if you are unable to pay off the loan?
The Money Estate will facilitate you to get the right loan.
- Age: 23 years - 58 years
- Net Salary - minimum monthly income ranging from Rs.17,500 - Rs.25,000
- Total years in job/profession: 2 Years
- Years in current residence: 1 Year
- Age: 28 years and 25 years (for doctors); Maximum age - 65 years
- Minimum Turnover: Rs. 40 lakh for non-professionals; Rs. 15 lac for professionals; as per audited financials
- Minimum Profit After Tax: Rs. 2 lac for Proprietorship Firm/Self employed Individuals and Rs. 1 lac for non-professionals as per audited financials
- Business Stability: In current business for at least 5 years and minimum 3 years for doctors